There is no American nation, there is no American government, there is no American representation, there is only a colony of the Globalists. We are natives of a colony. That’s the entire cruel and unrelenting truth, which one must make peace with mentally before thinking ahead.”.

The Patriotic Socialist Front is a inclusive and pro-social revolutionary movement dedicated to a reborn America, along the lines of a Civilization-state. We support Labour, social justice, and Self-determination of all the Ethnic nations that reside within the United States of America.

We oppose the American neo-liberal empire, and the works of the globalists wherever they Manifest. Its time to join the fight working man

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National Syndicalism

We believe in a social economy that works for the people, as well as the for benefit of the Civilization-state. This Social economy unites People and State into an organic unity that is designed to uplift the common man, not the Elites or the Bourgeoisie.

Self Determination

A people, is not simply those who share a state, but it is a common culture, identity and origin that exists in both a metaphysical and bio-social sense. The Current USA is composed of many different “nations” and ethnic groups, we seek liberation and national self determination for ALL of these peoples, and we affirm that ethnic, racial and cultural identities are not distractions, but strengths for the revolutionary vision of the future. Identity, and self determination in rejection of hate. Autonomy and self rule for the Black Belt region, and the German-American midwest as good examples.

Radical traditionalism

Counter to many other Left wing groups who embrace only the material, we are motivated and inspired by heroic idealism, while remaining grounded by and mindful of Material condtions. Materialism and Idealism, United in a synthesis in a true Hegelian style. The truth is liberalism by embracing a nihilistic drive towards ever further “emancipation” from social restrictions on Human behavior has in fact only succeeded in “freeing us” from the principles that gave life meaning and allowed Man to free himself, from the “self” and seek alienation of the I in greater purpose. What this nihilism has delivered is only senseless hedonism and ever increasing atomization. We seek to destroy this and bring dignity back to Human life, both spiritually, and in purely material terms.

American Liberation

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